Veteran Bollywood Singers of the Black and White Era Who Defined India Cinema’s Golden Era
Along with legendary films and irreplaceable actors, Indian cinema’s golden era is also marked by veteran Bollywood singers who offered an equally impactful contribution in making the black and white era a truly remarkable and unparalleled one. Let’s take a look at 7 such singers whose old Hindi songs are still capable of topping every chart out there.

Whoever came up with the phrase ”Old is gold” wasn’t kidding. The soulfulness and charisma of old Hindi songs can still send shivers down our spine and make us feel an incredible range of emotions. The credit undoubtedly goes to veteran Bollywood singers who transformed each song into lyrical magic and gave the black and white era an unbeatable signature mark of excellence and aura. Let’s take a look at 7 such legendary singers who carried Indian cinema’s golden era on their talented shoulders and made it grander than anything Bollywood has seen. Read more